Purchase Return

A purchase return transaction is when the buyer of merchandise, inventory, fixed assets, or other items sends these goods back to the seller. Excessive purchase returns can interfere with the profitability. of a business, so they should be closely monitored. There are a number of reasons for purchase returns, such as:

  • The buyer initially acquired an excessive quantity, and wants to return the remainder.
  • The buyer acquired the wrong goods.
  • The seller sent the wrong goods.
  • The goods have proven to be inadequate in some way.

  1. How to Create Purchase Return?
  2. How to Edit Purchase Return?
  3. How to Delete Purchase Return?

How to Create Purchase Return?

  1. In the Entry menu, select Purchase Return.
  2. Then Click Add New(+ Button).
  3. Select Date.
  4. Type Reference Number.
  5. Select Order No.
  6. Select Inventory Ledger.
  7. Type Ledger NameHow to Create Ledger.
  8. In Item Detail Type Item Name, Store Name, Batch\Lot, Quantity, Rate & Value.
  9. In Account Detail Type Ledger Name & Dr. Amount.
  10. Type Narration.
  11. Then click Save.

How to Edit Purchase Return?

  1. Click on the Purchase Return which you want to edit.
  2. Then Click Edit Button.
  3. Change Date.
  4. Update Reference.
  5. Select Update Order No.
  6. Select Update Inventory Ledger.
  7. Update Ledger NameHow to Create Ledger.
  8. In Item Detail Update Item Name, Store Name, Batch\Lot, Quantity, Rate & Value.
  9. In Account Detail Update  Ledger Name & Dr. Amount.
  10. Update Narration.
  11. Then click Save.

How to Delete Purchase Return?

1. Click Delete button on the Purchase Return which you want to Delete.

2. Click Delete.