Sales Return

A sales return is merchandise sent back by a buyer to the seller, usually for one of the following reasons:

  • Excess quantity shipped
  • Excess quantity ordered
  • Defective goods
  • Goods shipped too late
  • Product specifications are incorrect
  • Wrong items shipped

The seller records this return as a debit to a Sales Returns account and a credit to the Account Receivable account; the total amount of sales returns in this account is a deduction from the reported amount of gross sales in a period, which yields a net sales figure. The credit to the Accounts Receivable account reduces the amount of accounts receivable outstanding.

  1. How to Create Sales Return?
  2. How to Edit Sales Return?
  3. How to Delete Sales Return?

How to Create Sales Return?

  1. In the Entry menu, select Sales Return.
  2. Then Click Add New(+ Button).
  3. Select Date.
  4. Type Reference Number.
  5. Select Order No.
  6. Select Inventory Ledger.
  7. Type Ledger NameHow to Create Ledger.
  8. In Item Detail Type Item Name, Store Name, Batch\Lot, Quantity, Rate & Value.
  9. In Account Detail Type Ledger Name & Dr. Amount.
  10. Type Narration.
  11. Then click Save.

How to Edit Sales Return?

  1. Click on the Sales Return which you want to edit.
  2. Then Click Edit Button.
  3. Change Date.
  4. Update Reference.
  5. Select Update Order No.
  6. Select Update Inventory Ledger.
  7. Update Ledger NameHow to Create Ledger.
  8. In Item Detail Update Item Name, Store Name, Batch\Lot, Quantity, Rate & Value.
  9. In Account Detail Update Ledger Name & Dr. Amount.
  10. Update Narration.
  11. Then click Save.

How to Delete Sales Return?

1. Click Delete button on the Sales Return which you want to Delete.

2. Click Delete.